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A marketing strategy aims to establish and strengthen a company in its market, define its positioning in the spirit of its target and create value that meets its needs, desires and expectations.

Your strategy should indicate how to achieve your marketing goals. It is first built on the long-term (5-10 years) to remain declined in the medium (3 years) and short term (1 year). Your marketing strategy can focus on a business, a targeted market segment, or a specific product.

And to establish it on an excellent foundation, it is essential to base it on a clear, accurate and complete analysis of its market. Without this, we risk defining objectives ultimately randomly and, in the end.

We also talk about communication strategies, web strategies and customer strategies. These are quite distinct but also have points in common. In any case, it is always through the formalization of a strategic plan that its implementation begins.

An added value of our marketing team is to carry out complete market audits for its customers. A big goal is to have quantified, objective and verifiable data on their market.
We use a precise method thanks to Google’s ultra-powerful tools. They make it possible to scan in detail the research and expectations of a clientele. If you are interested, first ask for your free diagnosis.

Developing the Marketing Strategy

Your company must create value while making a profit for its business. Previously, a product was created and marketed without determining the target customer. The markets were far from saturated at the time, and it was known that the supply would be sold.

In a highly competitive economy, supply is an overabundance in the digital age. The customer has a wide choice of similar products to satisfy his needs. Demand then explodes into micro-markets to which you must offer a targeted offer.

Marketing remains now involved at all levels of the value chain: Before production, to determine your target and how to reach them (strategic marketing) during design, to assess your product, price and distribution method after the presentation. And also, communicate with your prospects and customers.

Marketing Strategy

Your value choice remains determined by your strategic marketing that will segment your market, select your target audience and define your positioning.

Once these points are defined, set up your business strategy by creating your new product, and determining its price and means of distribution, these points correspond to value creation. Marketing remains involved throughout this process of defining, creating and communicating value.

Your marketing strategy must remain defined before creating your product. Your business activities take shape in a strategic marketing plan.

The development of a marketing strategy consists of 5 steps:

  • Analysis of the opportunities in your market (existing or created)
  • Targeting your customers
  • Positioning of your offer
  • Determination of an action plan (marketing mix)
  • Control and review your request.

The strategy should not be a succession of isolated decisions. But a general orientation. It must determine all the efforts to remain made to achieve your goals. It should be described as clearly, precisely and concisely as possible.

Important point: remember to continually develop your marketing strategy by associating employees from different departments (finance, production, communication, digital.) All your departments must be involved in this work because everyone is concerned with your marketing and can enrich it.

And Your Digital Marketing in All this?

The importance of marketing-oriented content for SEO

The Internet is now part of everyone’s daily lives. In 2 decades, this set has become a standard. Can we imagine doing business without a dedicated website?

Access to information has never been easier. Companies have understood the interest of the Internet for their visibility. But also, competition has increased.

Their goal? Be as well-referenced as possible to attract a maximum of potential customers.
For this, some make sure to be as qualitative as possible. But that’s no longer enough. Search engines and social networks then come into play.

As its name suggests, a search engine is a software that allows you to search for information on the Internet. You have to type keywords. And also, the engine will bring up the pages most likely to meet the demand (these are usually the most visited pages).

The interest for a company that wants to remain found easily is to stay well placed in these search engines. Again, this needs to put in place a solid digital marketing strategy. And also, it all starts with a good content marketing strategy. Therefore, it is necessary to enrich the lexical field of the page that we want to highlight.

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