Flower Eyes is a typical reaction that affects 1 in 5 people at some point in their lives. It causes by a reaction to pollen, a fine powder released by trees, flowers, grasses, and weeds.

When pollen granules come in contact with ‘mast’ cells in the inside layer of the eyes and nose, they trigger the release of chemicals such as histamine that can wreak a world of havoc! These chemicals cause inflammation, swelling and irritation of the lining, known as ‘rhinitis’ when it affects the nose and ‘conjunctivitis’ when it affects the eyes. The hayfever response can also engage the throat and sinuses in severe reactions.

Who gets Hay Fever?

Flower Eyes – Hayfever usually starts from school, with symptoms gradually improving later in life. It tends to run in families and link to other allergic (atopic) conditions, such as asthma and eczema.

When Does it Happen?

Unlike a cold that usually lasts 1-2 weeks, hayfever symptoms can be present over weeks or months. In the UK, this is generally between March and September. Sign tends to be worse on hot, sunny and humid days, peaking at different times depending on the offending pollen type:

  • Tree pollen – late March to mid-May
  • Grass pollen – mid-May to July
  • Weed pollen – late June to September

How Does it Affect my Eyes?

Alongside rhinitis, most hayfever sufferers complain of itchy, red, sticky and watery eyes. Inflammation-inducing chemicals in your tears spread across your eye surface with each blink, draining from your eye throughout a small hole near your nose. It means that people tend to be more aware of symptoms in the inner corner of their eyes. The natural reply is to rub their eyes, but the temporary relief of itching is short-lived. Resistance stimulates the release of histamine and other inflammatory chemicals, exacerbating inflammation and creating a vicious cycle!

What C I do to Prevent Hay Fever?

There is no cure for hay fever. You may have heard that drinking locally-made honey reduces the reaction to pollen, but unhappily, there is little confirmation to maintain this claim. However, there is equipment you can do to keep it at bay. Through peak season, path daily pollen count reports knowing when to take extra precautions. If possible, stay inside with window and doors shut on high pollen count days. If you are out and concerned, here are some tips to follow:

Avoid smoke or being approximately people who smoke, as this can make your symptoms worse

Use eye drops to stop the release of histamine and other inflammatory chemicals by ‘mast’ cells in your eyes and nose lining. This group of medications are called pole cell stabilizers’ and can buy without a prescription from a pharmacy. They should be used for 1-2 weeks by the start of the hay fever season and continued throughout.

After spending the occasion outdoors, shower, clean your hair, change your clothes to wash pollen away, and prevent transference to indoor surfaces. Avoid drying laundry outdoors, hoover frequently and wipe surfaces with a damp cloth.

What Can I do to Ease the Symptoms of Hay Fever?

If you’re constantly sneezing and look like you’ve been crying for several hours, here’s what you can do to help:

Do not rub your eyes! It stimulates more release of histamine and other inflammation-inducing chemicals, which makes things worse. If the longing is unbearable, rinse your eyes with chill water and apply a cold compress using a clean make dry or cold pack.

Utilize over-the-counter antihistamine tablets, nasal sprays and eye drops – they stop histamine and other inflammation-inducing chemicals from moving the lining of your eyes and nose.

Use a salty rinse – preparations are available with dispensers to rinse pollen from the nose lining and back of the throat.

What is the Rarest Eye Color?

Green has traditionally called the rarest eye colour. But new classifications say another colour, maybe even less standard—grey.

This article looks at rare eye colours and colour differences, conditions that may change your eyes’ appearance, the role of genetics in eye colour, health associations of different colours, age-related changes, and how to change your eye colour.

What Determines Eye Color?

Eye colour is influenced by the production of melanin, or pigment, in the iris—the coloured part of your eye. More melanin means darker eyes, and fewer means lighter eyes.

People farther away from the equator tend to have lighter-coloured eyes and skin. Darker eyes and skin are familiar in warmer locales, closer to the equator.2 Of course, all of this comes down to genetics.


Flower Eyes – An examination showed the man had a flower-shaped cataract in his left eye, with 10 “petals.” The researchers said that cataracts can form due to a bump or blow to the eye, and when they do, these “traumatic cataracts” classically take on a star or flower shape.