Nathan Simington is the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) commissioner. Simington previously served as a senior advisor at the National Telecommunications and in order Administration. Before that, he had worked as an associate at Mayer Brown, Kirkland & Ellis, and Chapman and Cutler and as legal counsel at Brightstar Corporation.

Early Life and Education

Simington was grow up in the Canadian region of Saskatchewan and is a naturalized US citizen. Before being awarded a JD degree from the University of Michigan Law School, Simington pursued music, studied violin at Lawrence University, and earned a Master of Arts in Music Theory from the Eastman School of Music.

Commerce Department and FCC

Also, After working at Brightstar Corporation, Simington served in the Department of Commerce for five months until President Trump announced the nomination of Simington as an FCC commissioner, shortly after Senate Arme Services Committee chairman Jim Inhofe canceled the second confirmation hearing previous to the United States Senate for the acting commissioner, Michael O’Rielly.

Nominated in September, Simington’s Senate approval was fast-tracked, with an expected confirmation hearing expected to be held before the end of December. In October, Trump urged an expedited process, tweeting, “Republicans need to get smart and confirm Nate Simington to the FCC ASAP!” The confirmation hearing is scheduled for November 10, considered near-record time, shortly after the 2020 United States elections.

President Trump tweeted the day before his confirmation hearing that he “wanted action NOW on this critical confirmation hearing!” He under went his first confirmation hearing before the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation on November 10, 2020. According to Bloomberg Law, he was met with a generally mixed response, including only “lukewarm support” from Republican members, casting doubts as to whether he could be confirmed before President-Elect Joseph Biden would assume office. On December 8, 2020, the United States Senate confirmed his nomination by a 49–46 vote. Simington took office on December 14, 2020.

The Hon. Nathan Simington

Nathan Simington chose to serve as a Commissioner of the FCC by President Donald J. Trump. The United States Senate confirmed him in 2020.

Commissioner Simington brings both private and state knowledge to the Commission. Previously, he served as a older mentor at the National Telecommunications and Information Administration. In this role, I worked on many aspects of telecommunications policy, including spectrum allocation and planning, broadband access, and the US Government’s role in the Internet. Before joining the Commission, he was senior counsel to Brightstar Corp., an international mobile device services company. He led and negotiated telecommunications equipment and services transactions with leading providers in over twenty countries in this capacity. Before joining Brightstar, he worked as an attorney in private practice.

Commissioner Simington is a graduate of the University of Michigan Law School. He also holds degrees from the University of Rochester and Lawrence University.

Commissioner Simington grew up in Saskatchewan, Canada. He became a United States citizen and now lives in McLean, Virginia, with his wife and three children.

Looking for ‘Choke Points

Simington said the reliance on Nielsen comprehensibly known that it is essentially the only game in town. He said that may not be bad, but it was worth looking at possible “bottlenecks, choke points and single points of failure.”

Elaborating on the point, he sharp out that the Media Ratings Council. Which accredits media rating agencies, had suspended Nielsen’s accreditation last year for “deep-rooted” presentation issues. A certification Nielsen has yet to recover.

While Simington said he was sure Nielsen would work “diligently” to correct its defect, he said the suspension should “give the FCC pause”. About organism functionally obligated to adopt “recently unaccredited Nielsen statistics and definitions.”

“Might our compulsion to act in the public attention even require us to. Where likely encourage innovation, or even just an alternative, in broadcast viewership and listenership analytics. So we avoid subjecting American media to this single point of failure in our broadcast regulatory scheme?” he said.


Nathan Simington pointed to the loss of transmitting ads to online platforms. “here are the reason for this outside of the accuracy and completeness of audience analytics — the secular trend of media consumption is toward online platforms. Which drive the promotion dollar. OK, sure. But is it not at least valuable taking into the explanation that among the consideration that advertisers — small business — cite for doing online marketing is the high faith they place in granular spectators analytics?” he said, adding: “If advertisers believe that the main basis of viewership and listenership data that they use to create buys on-air stations is unreliable. A strength that pushes them absent from broadcast and toward online advertising platforms where data are considered more reliable?”