
Website Redesign: A good website is not just a beautiful design and an attractive logo; your website must have good ergonomics and exciting content.

The need to revamp your website can be apparent (An old design more than three years old or a prolonged loading time that pushes customers to leave your site and move to another less slow). Nevertheless, this need may not be obvious.

Loading Time Too Slow then Redesign the Website

Visitors imagine your website to load in less than 2-3 seconds. If it takes longer to load, then you can lose potential customers. It can be not very pleasant even for your most loyal customers. A new website is a solution to your worries to attract more customers and keep them more time on your site since the loading time is crucial for the natural referencing of your website.
Some reasons that slow down the loading of your website:
– Too many redirects
– Your HTML, CSS and js codes are not compressed (minified – using tools such as Willpeavy
– Slow
server response time – Too many resources
– Images are not optimized
– Visible content is not prioritized
– Too many plugins

Your Conversion Rate is Low

What is more important than potential customers? Potential customers are converted into actual customers. If you have a beautiful, well-positioned website that generates many visitors, this is excellent, but only if a maximum of these visitors turn into customers.

Looking at your Google Analytics account, you see a high bounce rate, a deficient number of pages/session and average session duration, or a low conversion rate. These visitors have not found your site helpful and that your key information is not impactful enough.

Redoing your site with a professional with a clear goal and a well-studied strategy will solve the problem.

Your Brand Has Changed then Redesign the Website

If your business has been branded since the creation of your current site, it should be obvious to ask a professional to redo your website.

A strong brand image can make all the difference for the recognition of your company. Your idea will immediately come to the minds of your customers and potential customers when they need a service that you offer.

Your site sends a clear message about the brand identity. An outdated web design that doesn’t match your Brand can hurt you.

Your Website is Difficult to Update, Content Side

You should be able to easily update your site’s content to keep it up-to-date and relevant, as well as to be able to edit pages for SEO purposes. If updating the pages of your site has become a long and complicated process, you are wasting time.

The easiest way to update your site’s content is to use a content management system. These systems give you complete control over your site’s content and the experience of your users when they visit it. Redesigning your website with a CMS(2) can make all the difference.

Your Website Is not Consistent then Redesign the Website

If different web developers have been working on your site over the past few years, it may be inconsistent. Some things that can be inconsistent in your area include:

– Fonts
– Colors
– Logos
– Images
– Navigation
– Page

Formatting This makes your site appear confusing and disorganized. Starting fresh with a brand new website at a professional and asking for follow-up eliminates these issues and creates consistency in the pages of your site.

Your business has grown in the last four to five years. If your site hasn’t been updated since then, you’ve probably become too big for your site. Your navigation may be too long because of your growing number of services, or your visitors may have difficulty finding the page they’re looking for. A website redesign can better reflect your growth and continue to grow with you.

Your Sector of Activity has Evolved

All sectors of activity have been undergoing small changes over the years. Some services are becoming more popular, and new techniques are emerging and stealing the show.

While you can sometimes make small changes to your website based on the evolution of your industry, there are times when your old site doesn’t support it at all. If your site hasn’t been revamped in more than five years, chances are a good chance that many updates are needed.