
Some remote employment jobs are hardly compatible with working from home: worker, nurse, flight attendant, maintenance worker, sales jobs, and other nomadic professions. But overall, if your primary tool in everyday life is a workstation (a PC connected to the internal network and the Internet or other information technology), there is a good chance that you will be eligible for teleworking.

Many functions can be practised remotely, whether you are an accountant, graphic designer, consultant, project manager, web writer, independent lawyer or HR manager.

Technology companies aren’t the only ones practising remote work!

One could quickly think that only companies in the new technology sector and startups have integrated the implementation of teleworking. Well, no! Admittedly, these sectors encouraged this new form of work very early on, Microsoft and Intel.

But we can now see that other companies are signing agreements giving a framework to teleworking, such as Automotive (Renault), telecommunications (Orange), insurance (Axa), consulting (Accenture) or chemicals (Bayer).

In most cases, the company agreement sets a limited number of times for each home and not full-time – usually 1 to 3 days a week. There is no official list of businesses that have opened this new practice to their employees. But the observation is that it is emerging despite everything!

Is Your Employer a Fan of Working Remotely?

A simple question: Is your company familiar with remote work? Try to identify the individuals who practice it and under what conditions. Know that it is also likely for you to talk about it directly with your hierarchy. An amendment to the service contract is no longer necessary today. Collective agreements may also establish a common framework for employees.

Remote employment work from home should not be muddled with remote employment Be careful: working from home is not the same as working remotely. Even if, in mutual cases, it is a work carried out outside the framework of the corporation’s premises, whether at home or in a third home, it is essential to keep in mind what differentiates them.

At home, you benefit from a native setting for which you can arrange work corners: the kitchen, your living room. Or your office (if you are lucky enough to have one). You will use your internet connection and your amenities (kitchen, toilets.

When you are mobile, the connection to work first and primary by the availability of an internet connection. Professional nomadism requires knowing the right “spots” to work comfortably and with a good relationship. Third-party locations will allow you to maintain social contact during yvour teleworking hours. Also, remember to look for possible telework centres (or telecenters) in your region. These are participatory coworking spaces dedicated to teleworkers.

The Cloud is the Ally of Working Remotely

You must have already heard of the cloud! The cloud uses services and applications located on remote computer servers (other than on your PC). Historically, the first “cloud” service you used was your email, such as Gmail, Yahoo or other.

You can admission your email from anywhere and access the data in that email through a simple internet connection and browser. Saving you valuable time.

The democratization of high-speed Internet (and very high speed with optical fibre) and innovation have created new ways of working remotely in fresh years. What was previously only feasible at your desk becomes so from any workstation connected to the Internet, at home or elsewhere.

The Nomadic Worker no Longer Needs a Landline

First example: telephony. The landline phone no longer has the same weight as it once did. Firstly because mobile telephony now makes you nearby from everywhere. Secondly, because “voice over IP”, voice communication via the Internet, has spread to all workplaces.

Nothing distinguishes today a call to your office from a call on skype! And in addition, this mode of message integrates video. Which allows for more collaborating exchanges.