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Mobile Remote work involves a variety of practices encompassing all forms of work performed outside the main establishment of the enterprise and applying to all dispersed units of an enterprise. So it can be all kinds of despatialized work.

Depending on the frequency of telework and its place of service, telework can take different forms:
The teleworker is paid to work from home in whole or in part. The work is carried out at home with the support of equipment sufficiently elaborated to maintain effective links between the teleworker, his hierarchy and his colleagues.

What is Mobile Remote Work?

The work is carried out in different places. Temporarily, using information and communication technologies and at least ten hours per week.

In satellite offices: employees work both outside their homes and in the conventional workplace. The place chosen to work is suitable for both the employee and his customers. Satellite offices are local infrastructures located outside major centres and connected with significant establishments by technology;

In telecentre: generally identical to the satellite office, the telecentre differs in that the infrastructure accommodates more than one company. Numerous companies can share the lease of an office building and maintain separate office spaces within the building for each company’s employees.

Secondment to the customer’s home is also a specific form of mobile teleworking. Therefore, we are thinking here, for instance, of consulting work in companies (audit, etc.) which requires a physical presence, temporary but of more or less long duration, within the audited company.

Remote work has different advantages, both for the individual, the labour collective, and the organization. This practice also brings out issues addressed within this platform related to the control of the place of execution of the work and the time of performance.

Remote work thus raises various questions relating to control, performance evaluation, faith, independence, employee empowerment, involvement and sense of belonging to a collective, etc.

Benefits of Remote Work

Remote work has many advantages and is appreciated for its multiple positive aspects, expressed at the individual level, the labour collective and the organization.

For the Individual

The main advantage of Remote Work, highlighted through the scientific literature, and noted during our observations, is greater flexibility, allowing a better balance between private and professional life.

However, this benefit is not self-evident, and blurring borders can lead to difficulties. Therefore, harmony between the private and professional spheres is a real challenge.

The third benefit of Remote Work comes from the increased control that the teleworker exercises over his tasks. Combined with the increase in flexibility, this would result in greater job satisfaction. However, it can be like jeopardizing by the social and professional isolation some teleworkers suffer. We will also return to this aspect in presenting the issues related to remote work and its management.

Other virtues of teleworking noted by various authors consist of greater autonomy and increased motivation at work. These elements also contribute to increasing job satisfaction for teleworkers.

For Teams

Teleworking does not only benefit Remote Work and has multiple advantages for the teams. These include a decrease in absenteeism and a reduction in turnover. This last element goes hand in hand with a noticeable increase in the commitment and loyalty of the teleworker. Expressed by a lower intention to leave the company as well as a greater level of commitment.

Other advantages of remote work are greater flexibility in skills management and work planning and a better knowledge of the content and volume of work.

We should also highlight a better adaptation of operations and the continuity of services allowed in the event of an emergency by this flexible form of work. Finally, a considerable benefit of teleworking consists of an increase in the recruitment base. More fantastic attractiveness and better retention of skills.

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